You need this FREE ebook '30 Meditations in Christ Jesus', so you can begin to train yourself to deliberately spend time with God in meditation, to hear the voice of His Holy Spirit for wisdom, guidance and direction in every aspect of your life. Know how He sees you, your identity in Him.
"I came across your 30 day meditations pdf online, and only after reading the instructions I was already ministered to. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing these meditations. I recognized that I needed to take control of my thoughts. It is a practical approach to what the Bible says about meditation."
30 meditations to keep your mind focused on God's Word and who you are in Him as His child.
Spend time with Him in training your mind to believe Him at His Word.
Meditate on truths like "I am more than a conqueror" and "I am a child of the most High God", taken from the Scripture in Romans 8.
Learn how to meditate on God's Word
Let go of negative self-thinking. Focus your thoughts on who God says you are in Him!
Powerful thoughts to fill your mind anytime, anywhere. Be empowered in 30 days with these truths of who you are, from the Word of God.
I am a daughter of the most high God. My identity and purpose are in Him as a Gospel Artiste, Author and Speaker to empower believers in Christ to find themselves in Him and fulfill their purpose in Him. My meditation journey in Christ began when He pulled me away in isolation to grow deeper in Him, this since the release of my song 'Find Myself In You', written and composed by my husband Rev. Roger Paul.
This caused me to know in a real way who I am in Christ by His Word. This experience led to my husband and I writing our devotional and meditation journal based on Romans 8 'Find Myself In You - 30 Days of Meditation in Christ Jesus' (available here) from which these meditations are obtained.
Even though I was saved from age five and attended church all my life, I had not known what it meant to hear the voice of God, to deliberately spend time in quiet just to hear Him and experience His presence. I had not known what it meant to seek Him for vision and be empowered in Him for what He wanted me to do.
I now know this through meditation. Not the kind of temporal meditation the world offers, but only that which can be gained through Christ Jesus, yielding power, wisdom and more from Him. I have grown in this journey and I absolutely want the same for you.
Stay with me, as this is the beginning of so much more to come.